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By Musslick, S. | F
| Musslick, S., Bartlett, L. K., Chandramouli, S. H., Dubova, M., Gobet, F., Griffiths, T. L., Hullman, J., King, R. D., Kutz, J. N., Lucas, C. G., Mahesh, S., Pestilli, F., Sloman, S. J., & Holmes, W. R. (2025). Automating the practice of science: Opportunities, challenges, and implications. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 122(5), e2401238121. (pdf)
| Lieder, F., Shenhav, A., Musslick, S., & Griffiths, T.L. (2018). Rational metareasoning and the plasticity of cognitive control. PLoS Computational Biology, 14, e1006043. (pdf)
| F
| Alon, N., Reichman, D., Shinkar, I., Wagner, T., Musslick, S., Cohen, J. D., Griffiths, T. L., Dey, B., & Ozcimder, K. (2017). A graph-theoretic approach to multitasking. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2100-2109. (pdf)
| Shenhav, A., Musslick, S., Lieder, F., Kool, W., Griffiths, T. L., Cohen, J. D., & Botvinick, M. M. (2017). Toward a rational and mechanistic account of mental effort. Annual Review of Neuroscience.(pdf)