Bourgin, D., Abbott, J. T., & Griffiths, T. L. (2021). Recommendation as generalization: Using big data to evaluate cognitive models. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150, 1398–1409. (pdf)
Peterson, J. C., Abbott, J. T., & Griffiths, T. L. (2018). Evaluating (and improving) the correspondence between deep neural networks and human representations. Cognitive Science, 42, 2648-2669. (pdf)
Bourgin, D. D., Abbott, J. T., & Griffiths, T. L. (2018). Recommendation as generalization: Evaluating cognitive models in the wild. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.(pdf)
Abbott, J. T., Griffiths, T. L., & Regier, T. (2016). Focal colors across languages are representative members of color categories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(40), 11178-11183. (pdf)
Peterson, J. C., Abbott, J. T., & Griffiths, T. L. (2016). Adapting deep network features to capture psychological representations. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (pdf) (Winner of the Computational Modeling Prize in Perception/Action)
Abbott, J. T., Hamrick, J. B., & Griffiths, T. L. (2013). Approximating Bayesian inference with a sparse distributed memory system. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.(pdf)
Abbott, J. T., Regier, T., & Griffiths, T. L. (2012). Predicting focal colors with a rational model of representativeness. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.(pdf)
Abbott, J. T., Austerweil, J. L., & Griffiths, T. L. (2012). Constructing a hypothesis space from the Web for large-scale Bayesian word learning. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.(pdf)
Abbott, J. T., & Griffiths, T. L. (2011). Exploring the influence of particle filter parameters on order effects in causal learning. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.(pdf)